
在沙漠中, When It Rains It Pours: Safeguarding From Floods and Enhancing the Natural 环境

我们的全球水输送总监 & 存储, 阿德尔Aboujaoude, examines how we can work with nature to protect communities from flooding


洪水是最致命的自然灾害之一,影响着世界各地越来越多的地区. 阿富汗, 巴西, 印尼, Italy and numerous countries in Northern Europe have all experienced devastating flooding recently.

One region we don’t typically associate with flooding is the Middle East, an arid region characterized by very low water availability and scarcity. 然而, 2024年4月, 世界上最干燥的地方之一, 阿拉伯湾, was hit by catastrophic storms and flash flooding that resulted, 可悲的是, in 23 deaths and hundreds of millions of dollars’ worth of damages to homes and businesses. 

The level of rainfall was unprecedented, with Dubai recording more than 9.在不到24小时内降雨量达8英寸(250毫米). To provide context, the United Arab Emirates typically sees between 5.5-7.年降雨量为9英寸(140-200毫米).

While it’s not possible to link individual storms to global warming, we know that rising temperatures make extreme weather events more likely and 研究 显示全球干旱地区的洪水正在增加. Climate change is also causing longer and more severe periods of drought, 这反过来又降低了土壤的吸水能力, 导致更大的洪水风险. 在世界上很多地方, 增加发展, population growth and urbanization are further exacerbating flood risk.

抗洪能力从来不是放之四海而皆准的方法. 至关重要的是,洪水管理计划要解决该地区或景观所面临的具体挑战. 干旱区呈现出各种各样的景观, 包括沿海平原, 绿洲定居点, 泛滥平原和山区. 通过在这些自然环境中工作, 我们可以使我们的社区更能适应气候变化, 加强生物多样性, 给城市环境降温,创造更健康的环境, 更适合居住的地方, 美丽再生. 

So, how can we safeguard against flood risks in arid zones while enhancing the natural environment?

第一步是 缓解. 以土壤干燥为特征的干旱地区, permeability is low and tends to increase when soil moisture increases. 然而, 在山洪暴发期间, infiltration is slow and results in most of the rainfall converting into run-off. 除非水被困在沟里, 滞留盆地或植被区,根部为入渗提供了一些优先的流动路径, there’s a heightened risk of a damage to infrastructure and the environment. 我们可以利用几种缓解洪水的技术:


提高了地面吸收更多水的能力, 补充含水层和通过蒸发蒸腾将水送回大气应该是首要任务. 实施绿色雨水首页/可持续排水系统和以自然为本的解决方案可以有效地管理雨水流失和减少水浸. 

可持续排水系统结合了绿色首页的特点,如透水路面, 绿色屋顶和水沟模拟自然排水过程. 基于自然的解决方案增强了生态系统增加渗透、保持和延迟径流过程的能力. 促进雨水的渗透和滞留, 可持续排水系统和基于自然的解决方案补充地下水含水层,减轻山洪暴发的影响.


不能被吸收的水必须储存起来. 创造性的存储解决方案,如滞留盆或 可浸公园 and plazas provide temporary storage during heavy rainfall, reducing the risk of flooding. These multifunctional spaces are designed to accommodate floodwater without sustaining damage. 如果设计得好, 它们还作为公共设施,通过提供娱乐活动的空间来提高居民的生活质量, 社交聚会和文化活动.


Alongside draining and storing water, measures to slow the flow of water should be introduced. This includes enhancing the landscape and increasing the roughness of water channel surfaces, thereby increasing resistance and reducing the risk of flash floods. 例如, 梯田和轮廓景观模仿传统的耕作方法,减少了坡度,减缓了水流. 将陡坡分解成小斜坡, 梯田的步骤, 迫使径流水平移动更长的距离, allowing more time for infiltration and reducing the erosive force of flowing water. 从战略上缓和支流在错开洪峰时间的流量也可以显著降低下游洪水的风险.


在缓解之后 管理. To reduce risk to the most vulnerable areas and maximize resilience, implementing a flood defense plan at the catchment level is vital. 通过绘制洪水可能发生的地点和方式, we can establish system-wide interventions to minimize flooding impacts on communities, 关键服务和首页

Non-structural measures to reduce loss or damage from flooding should also be considered, 包括防洪分区和城市规划, 洪水预报, 警告、疏散和避难所管理.

在限制洪水影响的同时, it’s also critical we maintain floodplains natural function to convey and store water.  This essential role supports ecosystems dependent on periodic flooding. 洪泛平原多种多样, 可持续的资源,能够多种兼容的土地用途,服务于社会利益. 洪水管理计划应认识到洪泛区的价值,并鼓励采取明智的发展战略,最大限度地利用洪泛区.


Climate change means that increased extreme weather events are a reality we can’t escape. 社区必须认识到并适应洪水风险, 实施有效的缓解战略,以安全和可持续的方式利用水的自然循环. 

通过采用洪水缓解和管理战略来应对独特地形的具体挑战, 我们可以创造气候适应能力, enhance the natural environment and improve people’s quality of life. 



Dr. Adel AbouJaoude是一位非常有成就的土木工程师,拥有超过30年的行业经验. 他参与过各种各样的项目, 从大坝到供水和输送系统, and is a recognized expert in developing innovative solutions to complex engineering challenges. 除输水外, 他的专业领域包括水资源工程, 水利工程和岩土工程. 英语三语, 法语和阿拉伯语, 他的作品遍及全球, 从欧洲到中东和中亚. 他致力于开发可持续和有弹性的工程解决方案,以满足当今的需求,同时为未来奠定基础.





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